HT LOCALIZATION Celebrates 5th Anniversary Milestone Supporting The Girls Scouts of America

March 13, 2017- Wyoming, USA - HT LOCALIZATION Celebrates 5th Anniversary Milestone Supporting The Girls Scouts of America

HT LOCALIZATION  LLC. an international translation agency celebrates its 5th anniversary milestone in conjunction with Woman’s History Month by pledging support to The Girls Scouts of America.

The company has announced that it will pledge 5% of sales during Woman’s History Month (March 2017) to the Girls Scouts of America.

“This is an opportunity for both HT Localization and its customers to help invest in girls” says co-founder Ms. Thevenet, “We believe that woman are a critical part of corporate America, and it starts with girls.”  

This month’s company blog features Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of the Girls Scouts of America, and cites the remarkable report published by The Girls Scouts, entitled The State of Girls 2017: Emerging Truths and Troubling Trends, focusing on the health and well-being girls in the United States.

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HT LOCALIZATION Announces a New Referral Program: It Pays To Know People

Oct. 8, 2013 - Wyoming, USA - HT LOCALIZATION Announces a New Referral Program: It Pays To Know People

HT LOCALIZATION LLC, an international translation agency has rolled out its New Referral Program: It Pays To Know People. The new program is designed to reward professional and personal relationships in globalization and localization.

The firm’s former referral partner program was only available to select business partners who interacted exclusively within the localization industry. This model has served the industry well; however with social networking on the rise, HT LOCALIZATION has expanded the program to recognize the importance of relationships beyond the traditional B2B channels.

The new referral program offers individuals an incentive to leverage their own professional networks.

“Our best clients are those who have been referred by friends, colleagues, customers, translators and even other translation agencies,” says HT LOCALIZATION, “Good service and word-of-mouth go hand-in-hand.”

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  827 lectures

HT Localization Expands to France

February 5, 2013  Montpellier, France - HT Localization Expands to France

HT LOCALIZATION  LLC. is expanding its presence to France.  Ms. Florence Duchassin de Martino of Montpellier, France has joined HT Localization focusing on the European business development efforts.  Ms. Duchassin de Martino brings a wealth of international strategic expertise in the publishing and gaming industries, where she led key initiatives for international leaders such as Sega Europe, Time Warner Interactive, iDLivre, and Microids, to name a few.

HT Localization is an international translation agency and localization services company providing a full range of professional language translation & software localization services. "With sales & operations located worldwide, adding a sales presence in France will help to better serve clients in the region," says President & Co-Founder Hervé Thevenet.   Ms. Duchassin de Martino will lead the European business development efforts for HT Localization in Montpellier, France.  

With Ms. Duchassin de Martino’s gaming industry expertise, the company will increase its offering to better support the needs of the growing European-based gaming community.  HT Localization already provides translation services, including voice-over talent services to several gaming producers in the Hong Kong and the U.S. markets, and will focus on including more European gaming producers in their international portfolio of clients.  

HT Localization, LLC. is a privately-held translation agency and localization services company offering high quality multi-lingual services.  Based in the U.S. with sales & operations located in San Francisco CA USA, Madrid Spain, Montpellier France, Lusaka Zambia and Bangkok Thailand, HT Localization provides localization services including social media localization, marketing translations, website translations, software localization, eLearning materials, and documentation translations covering all languages across all major industries.

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  801 lectures

Rencontrez HT LOCALIZATION au salon CLASSE EXPORT Lyon 2012

Le 6 novembre 2012  Lyon, France - Rencontrez HT LOCALIZATION au salon CLASSE EXPORT Lyon 2012

CLASSE EXPORT est un leader français de l’information en matière de commerce international. CLASSE EXPORT rassemble les leaders de la mondialisation, des experts internationaux du commerce et des entreprises locales pour partager les meilleures pratiques en matière d'internationalisation réussie et aider les efforts d'expansion mondiale.

La 22ème édition de CLASSE EXPORT, le salon du commerce international, qui se tiendra au parc EUREXPO à Lyon les 4 et 5 décembre prochains, est plus que jamais l’opportunité idéale pour les entrepreneurs et dirigeants d’entreprises qui se positionnent sur les marchés étrangers et souhaitent développer leurs activités internationales. Le salon Classe export organise plusieurs conférences sur la situation économique internationale et le climat des affaires mondiales, ainsi que les facteurs régionaux entrant en compte dans la globalisation et l’internationalisation. Le salon est aussi une occasion unique d’échanges intellectuels et de réseautage avec des chefs d’entreprises et des experts internationaux de la mondialisation.

Le fondateur de HT LOCALIZATION, Hervé THEVENET, sera présent pour discuter de l'importance de la localisation linguistique et de traduction pour des expansions réussies vers les marchés mondiaux.  Hervé THEVENET possède plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans le secteur de la localisation linguistique et du déploiement de logiciels et d'applications d'entreprise. Il a travaillé en Afrique, en Europe et en Amérique du Nord dans divers secteurs, notamment la localisation linguistique, l'informatique, la finance et la sécurisation des réseaux informatique. Expert chevronné dans le domaine de la localisation linguistique, Hervé THEVENET a précédemment été en charge de la production et de la technologie pour divers acteurs du secteur de la traduction, des entreprises pour lesquelles il a géré des programmes de localisation pour des grands groupes internationaux parmi lesquels Apple, General Electric, SAP Business Objects et LinkedIn.

HT LOCALIZATION est une agence de traduction internationale offrant une gamme complète de services professionnels de traduction et de localisation linguistique couvrant toutes les langues y compris les langues asiatiques et bidirectionnelles pour la traduction de documents marketing et technique, sites web, logiciels et apps, et bien plus encore.

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  803 lectures

HT Localization Broadens Social Media Reach with France Based Viadeo

October 1, 2012  Paris, France - HT Localization Broadens Social Media Reach with France Based Viadeo 

HT Localization, an international translation and localization agency based in the U.S., engages its European audience with the French based social media platform - Viadeo.  Viadeo is an online social networking platform, similar to the American based LinkedIn.

The Viadeo Group was founded in 2004 in Paris, and is quickly becoming the leading professional networking platform in France and within the European French community. The Viadeo Group has over 45 million registered users and supports social networking platforms in 8 languages, compared to LinkedIn’s 175 million worldwide users.

HT Localization’s co-founder, Hervé Thevenet has been working with social networking platforms since the mid 2000’s and was involved with LinkedIn’s early localization efforts to launch into select international markets, which eventually expanded into the 18 languages currently offered by the LinkedIn platform today.

“Effective social networking platforms will allow customization within a specific language, but also integration with potential users in other languages. A global social platform should be designed to allow content to be translated between multiple languages across various user populations.” says Hervé Thevenet.  The manner by which the localization is achieved will depend on the global social media strategy, platform and goals of the company.  

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HT Localization Explores Kids Growing up in a Multilingual World

September 17, 2012  Madrid, SpainHT Localization Explores  Kids Growing up in a Multilingual World 

With September’s arrival, parents turn their focus Back to School as families begin the long anticipated new 2012-2013 academic year. The latest segment of the HT Localization’s LanguageTranslations for Real Life Blog Series features the benefits of fostering a multilingual or bilingual environment for children.  Latest research points to some compelling reasons why parents should seriously consider the value of being able to fluently express one’s ideas in more than one language.

HT Localization’s co-founder Rachanee Thevenet shares some practical insights as to why being multilingual really matters, in addition to the latest research findings that multilingual children are better at multi-tasking, problem solving, and tend to be more emotionally developed. 

The international translation agency recently announced the roll-out of their new Language Translations for Real Life Series: A series articulating multi-lingual influences on the modern life.  Kids Growing up in a Multilingual World is the latest segment of the translation agency’s new Blog Series.

Read the full story and subscribe to the new Blog: Language Translations for Real Life Series

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HT Localization Tackles the Language of Love in Segment 2 of Real Life Series – Love Language Translations

July 25, 2012  Madrid, SpainHT Localization Tackles the Language of Love in Segment 2 of Real Life Series – Love Language Translations

HT Localization, an international translation agency, recently announced the roll-out of their new Language Translations for Real Life Series: A series articulating multi-lingual influences on the modern life.  The first segment of the new language blog series - Expats have translation needs too! - discussed the importance of translating locally for the growing number of international expats and the immigration community both in the US and Europe.  

Rachanee Thevenet, the Co-Founder of HT Localization translation agency will now tackle the Language of Love, with Segment 2 – Love Language Translations: She’s got that “Je ne sais pas”.   According to a report by The Economist, cross-border relationships have been rising consistently.  Marketing researchers and globalization experts are noticing the increasing trends in Asia and the US.

Segment 2 – Love Language Translations:  She’s got that “Je ne sais pas” explores the theme of localization and relationships, along with some Love Translation Tips.  What’s the Love Language Translation? Why does this matter?  Here’s an excerpt:

They say that the language of love transcends cultural borders.  Love can indeed be lost in translations, or at least confused in translations at times.  Sure men might be from Mars, and women from Venus, but imagine if they weren’t even from the same galaxy!  How do you localize a relationship? 

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HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life Series

July 12, 2012  Madrid, Spain - HT Localization kicks-off their new Blog Series: Language Translations for Real Life -A series articulating multi-lingual influences on the modern life

HT Localization LLC. a translation and localization agency with offices in San Francisco and Madrid announced their new blog Language Translations for Real Life Series.  A series of articles articulating multi-lingual influences on the modern life will be launched in the upcoming weeks to help bring home the essence of language in everyday life.  In today’s global society, crossroads are connecting borders and lives at an amazing pace.  It is no longer uncommon to be born multi-ethnic, raised multi-lingual, to have dual or even triple nationalities, or to live in one city where literally hundreds of languages are spoken.  Translation and localization aren’t just a requirement for businesses, but also for everyday people living and working in this world.

“Our goal is ‘to make it real’, language is critical to our lives” says Rachanee Thevenet, Co-Founder of HT Localization.  Globalization touches people not only in regards to businesses, but for personal activities.  It’s not only a sales or marketing tool for businesses to expand internationally, but a necessity for people to function effectively in today’s world.  “Take for example, expats living in a foreign country.  They need to take local driving exams, find doctors and schools for their kids, understand contracts and local laws, navigate the Social Services, these things can be hard to get your head around if you are not from that area, imagine trying it when you’re not fluent in the local language” adds Rachanee Thevenet.  

HT Localization will "make it real” with this new blog series by exploring life themes such as, needs for expats, international relationships and marriages, raising multi-lingual kids, localization of popular world legends, religion and of course the old American English vs. British English debate, to name a few.  “I hope to share some of my personal experiences and observations on how language and translations are impacting lives, at the very least, this should make for some interesting reading” says Rachanee Thevenet.

Here’s an excerpt of the first segment of HT Localizations Presents Language Translations for Real Life Series, where HT Localization explores: Expats Have Translation Needs Too! 

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  804 lectures

2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games

May 29, 2012  London, England - 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games: HT Localization & European Businesses are Leveraging Languages for the Global Stage

This summer, the world will be watching the 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games in one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world.  London is home to over 200 ethnic communities, who speak over 300 languages. While the official languages of the Olympic Games are French and English, the official Olympic website is available in 5 languages: Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Arabic. The reality is that with over 200 countries gathering for the summer games, 300+ languages will be spoken this summer in England’s capital!

The UK is preparing to receive over 330,000 international tourists and participants due to the London 2012 Olympics. According to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), “The Olympic Games are one of the most effective international marketing platforms in the world, reaching billions of people in over 200 countries and territories throughout the world”.

According to Amadeus, a company that provides technology to the travel industry, and Forward Data SL, a market research and consulting company publishing ForwardKeys, 31% more people will visit London between July 23 - August 12 than in the same period last year, with the greatest visitors from the US, Germany and Australia, along with other European nations and Japan.

What does this all mean for local business in London, where English is the spoken language and widely understood by nearly 2 billion people globally who speak English as a second language? 

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HT Localization expands to San Francisco

April 26, 2012. San Francisco, CA. -  HT Localization expands to the San Francisco Bay Area

HT Localization, LLC. announced that it is expanding its presence to Northern California.  Lyn Jakab has joined HT Localization as the North American Business Development manager located in San Francisco, CA. The Bay Area is home to some of the finest technology firms in the world, an incubator to many of the world's successful  internet & technology start-ups.  HT Localization, LLC. is a worldwide translation & localization services company based in the U.S. and Spain, offering high quality multi-lingual services at a low cost.  

"It makes sense.  Our Bay Area clients are innovative by nature, they provide their own clients with high service levels, and they also deserve quality service levels from their suppliers.  With sales & operations located worldwide, we are well positioned to serve our California clients with geographically desirable service." says President & Co-Founder Herve Thevenet.    

Herve Thevenet is no stranger to the Bay Area, where he spent several years working in the network security and localization industries in the late 90's and early 2000's, prior to relocating to Madrid, Spain, where HT Localization's operations is managed.  Prior to starting HT Localization, Herve Thevenet was the CTO of an Italian based localization firm and also worked for TekTranslations and WeLocalize, where he catered to technology and internet organizations.

To inaugurate the expansion to California, HT Localization is launching a 15% rebate promotion to all new clients.  "Our clients come to us for our competitive pricing, but they stay with us because of quality."   In the localization business, "your [company's] reputation is on the line. Clients cannot afford to have linguistic mistakes on their product collateral or company's print or online materials."    

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  838 lectures