We Will Save Time And You Will Save Money

Computer Aided Translation tools make translation an interactive process between human and computer.
Industry surveys report that using CAT tools allow linguists to work 40% times faster.
Our team uses industry leading CAT software tools for faster and more accurate turnaround of your content.
By using CAT technology, you can be assured that less time is spent on manual transactions with your content, and more time is devoted to quality of translation.
The case for Machine Translation
When creativity is important it is better to trust actual human linguists for your translation needs. However Machine Translation (MT) can be appropriate for some content, we will work with you to ensure the success of your program whether MT is part of the process or not.
MT is a process. To return acceptable results, the MT engine must first be fed with content specific to the domain and then be trained with iterative round of reviews (post editing) by human translators. This approach requires a certain amount of scale to deliver at a lower cost without sacrificing quality.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I save money using Machine Translations (MT)?
We are accustomed to thinking that computers & software are productivity-enhancing tools. MT promises to decrease the cost of translations from any language to any language; with the accessibility of free online MT tools like Google Translate, it is becoming ubiquitous. For clients who already use machine translations, we offer review, post editing and QA services. If you are interested in using machine translation for your business we can review program to investigate the feasibility of implementing MT successfully.
Is MT the same as using Google Translate?
There are lots of opinions about using free translation software such as Google or Bing. Google Translate is a free translation tool that provides instant translations covering different languages. It can translate words, sentences and web pages. When Google Translate generates a translation, it looks for patterns in millions of documents to help decide on the best translation for you. This process of seeking patterns in large amounts of text is called statistical machine translation. Since the translations are generated by machines, not all translations will be perfect. Source: Google Translate
What does Microsoft say about Bing
Bing Translator is a translation portal provided by Microsoft as part of its Bing services to translate texts into different languages. All translation pairs are powered by Microsoft Translator statistical machine translation platform and web service, developed by Microsoft Research, as its backend translation software. Be warned, according to Microsoft: Language translation is extremely difficult, as the meaning of words and phrases often depends on the context and specialized knowledge of the domain area or culture. Sentence structures and grammatical rules vary significantly between two languages, which adds to the complexity of the translation challenge. Currently, it still requires human skills to translate sentences without errors. The quality of today's most advanced translation software is well below the accuracy and fluency of a professional translator, and many sentences are simply not understandable. Researchers are continuously working on improvements, but it may be many years before high quality translation can be consistently offered by a computer. Source: Microsoft Translator