HT Localization Presents Language for Real Life: Localization and Graphics – Websites Matter
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HT Localization Blog
Segment 53 – Localization and Graphics – Websites Matter “If you can’t beat them, hire or acquire them.”
HT Localization Presents Language for Real Life: I Like Your Look! Websites Matter
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HT Localization Blog
Segment 52 – I Like Your Look! Websites Matter Remember that old adage “Imitation is the highest form of flattery.”  
HT Localization Presents Language for Real Life: What’s All This Clown Fuss About?
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HT Localization Blog
Segment 51 – What’s All This Clown Fuss About?  With Halloween around the corner, everyone is preparing for scary and thrilling festivities...
HT Localization Presents Language for Real Life: September Morning - Welcome to our 4th Blog Season!
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HT Localization Blog
Segment 50 – September Morning! Welcome to our 4th Blog Season! “September morn… Do you remember how we danced that night away?Two lovers playing scenes from some romantic play;September morning, still can make me feel that way…” – Neil Diamond
HT Localization Presents Language for Real Life: Chinese New Year 2016 – You've Been Invited
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HT Localization Blog
Segment 49 – Chinese New Year 2016 – You’ve Been Invited   What if you were suddenly invited to celebrate the holiday with a Chinese friend? The Year of the Monkey is upon us - the 9th animal in the Chinese 12 animal zodiac cycle. People born in the Year of the Monkey are said to be quick-witted, curious, innovative and mischievous...
HT Localization Presents Language for Real Life: 6 Tips To Help You Learn A New Language In 2016!
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HT Localization Blog
Segment 48 – 6 Tips To Help You Learn A New Language In 2016! Welcome 2016! So what’s your New Year Resolution? How about learning a new language? I mean really embracing a new language... Yes, of course every New Year, we start with the ambitious endeavour of bettering oneself, with a New Year’s resolution to be healthier, smarter, richer, nicer, calmer, happier, etc. but somehow, by year end – that initiative seems to fade away...
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HT Localization Blog
SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM HT LOCALIZATION! Where did 2015 go?  It seems that we were just asking this very question not to long ago...a year ago, to be exact! This past year was another record breaking year for HT LOCALIZATION.  Unbelievable! Not only did we accomplish our business goals, we've managed to focus on organic growth, while facing new challenges and deepening relationships along the way...
HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life: Hug A Zombie – Happy Halloween!
HT Localization
HT Localization Blog
Segment 47 – Hug A Zombie  – Happy Halloween! I received a text last week from the mother of my daughter’s friend, who wanted to invite my girl to a Halloween Party.  I asked my daughter whether or not she wanted to go to her friend’s house for Halloween, or would she stay and celebrate Halloween with me.  Most moms would expect that their 10 year old would want to go and celebrate Halloween with their friends – but not mine...
HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life: It’s True at Walt Disney World, Magic Knows No Boundaries
HT Localization
HT Localization Blog
Segment 46 – It’s True at Walt Disney World, Magic Knows No Boundaries Welcome Back! In the last segment, I talked about Walt Disney World and their commitment to multicultural diversity and efforts towards reducing communication barriers… hence making it the “most welcoming place on Earth.”  Naturally, I had to test that claim, first hand...  
HT Localization Presents Language for Real Life: At Walt Disney World, Our Magic Knows No Boundaries
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HT Localization Blog
Segment 45 – "Our Magic Knows No Boundaries"

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